Thursday, January 27, 2011

Color Blindness Test

Color blindness is a disorder caused by the inability of the eye cone cells to capture a specific color spectrum due to genetic factors.
Color blindness is generally caused due to heredity. Other causes include eye nerve damage due to accident or congenital birth. According to one study 5-8% of men and 0.5% of women are born color blind. And 99% of people with color blindness, including dichromacy protanopia and deuteranopia (green dysfunction). So whether you're also color blind?
Color blindness is a genetic disorder / congenital handed down from parents to children, it often also disebaut kelinan sex linked, because the disorder brought by kromosm X. This means that the Y chromosome does not carry color-blind factor. This is what distinguishes between people with color blindness in men and women. seoronga women have the term 'bearer characteristics' This shows there is one X chromosome that carries the nature of color blindness. Women with carrier properties, physically not experience kelalinan color blind as normal women in general. But women with potentially derive the nature of color-blind factor to his future. 
Here's a picture to color blindness test.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Creating Installation Windows 7 / Vista from USB flash

Usually the process of installing Windows 7 or Vista done via DVD with DVD-ROM / RW. But now with so many netbook or laptop that does not include DVD-ROM, people sometimes confused how to install it. The solution is to make the installation of Windows 7 or Vista into a USB flash drive (USB Drive). To make it we can use free software setup from USB.
Setup from USB is a free software (open source) which is intended to make installing windows 7 or Vista into a USB Flash drive. So Flashdrive Bootable and this becomes easier the installation process for users who have a netbook or laptop without a DVD-ROM / DVD-RW.

Step Making Bootable USB
To create a bootable USB that contains the installation of Windows 7 or Windows Vista, set the flash size of at least 4GB. next, download and install it first SetupFromUSB (4.8 MB). Once downloaded, extract the zip file and run setup.exe. Furthermore, the manufacturing as follows:
1. Run the Setup program From USB

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Gamelan Bali

Originally known as Semara Patangian, this court gamelan is used to accompany legong and Calonarang dances. It may also be modified by use of a large drum to accompany barong, sandaran and jauk dances. The set also features a terompong which may be used for playing the ethereal court melodies. When we purchased their antique Pelegongan, it was in poor condition and in need of restoration. After five years of love and care, it now sounds better and better at every performance. The order of the keys is in the old style with the smallest key, ndang, on the left, rather than the usual order starting with the low nding. The set also includes rare instruments such as a gentorag (bell tree) as well as a pair of gumanak (bronze tubes hit with sticks). Our group plays the repertoire of I Wayan Lotring of Kuta and other anonymous composers from Denpasar. The majority of this repertoire dates back to the early twentieth century. In 2004, engaging guru I Wayan Mandra and senior advisor I Ketut Nagi (deceased), our group revived some of the near-forgotten instrumental pieces once known in Sanur. These originated in Kelandis and were taught to the Singgi musicians in the 1950s by I Kecug from Pagan Kelod. We never recorded however, and it has not been until the death of Nagi in 2010 that we started to work seriously on documenting the style via recording – this is one of our ongoing projects. Pelegongan dance music heralds from an earlier time when the courts were still active and most courts supported groups of nandir, leko or legong dancers.

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